邮箱: schen@henu.edu.cn
2002.09-2007.06,博士, 南京师范大学, 基础数学专业
1998.09-2002.06,学士, 信阳师范学院, 基础数学专业
2018.05至今, WilliamHill中文官方网站,教授
2015.03-2016.03 美国肯尼所州立大学,访问学者
1. Shi-Chao Chen, On the density of the odd values of the partition function and the t-multipartition function, J. Number Theory 225 (2021) 198–213.
2. Shi-Chao Chen, Parity of Schur’s partition function, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 357(2019) 418–423
3. Shi-Chao Chen, Vanishing of the coefficients of a half Lerch sum, Int. J. Number Theory, Vol. 15, No.2 (2019) 251-263.
4. Shi-Chao Chen, Odd values of the Rogers–Ramanujan functions, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 356 (2018) 1081–1084.
5. Shi-Chao Chen, Periodicity of A Partition Function Related to Making Change Modulo Prime Powers, Ars Combin. 132 (2017), 193-201.
6. Zhu Cao and Shi-Chao Chen, On generalized Schur’s partitions, Int. J. Number Theory Vol. 13, No. 6 (2017) 1381–1391.
7. Shi-Chao Chen, Congruences and asymptotics of Andrews’ singular overpartitions,
J. NumberTheory, 164 (2016), 343–358.
8. Shi-Chao Chen, M. Hirschhorn and J. Sellers, Arithmetic properties of Andrews singular
overpartitions, Int. J. Number Theory, Vol. 11, No. 5 (2015) 1463–1476.
9. Shi-Chao Chen, On the number of overpartitions into odd parts, Discrete Math.,
325(2014), 32-37.
10. Shi-Chao Chen, On the coefficients of an eigenform, J. Number Theory, 137 (2014), 160-165.
11. Shi-Chao Chen, Congruences for a certain partition function, Ann. Comb., 18(2014), 607-615.
12. Shi-Chao Chen, Ramanujan-type congruences for certain generating functions, Lith. Math. J., 53 ( 2013), 381-390.
13. Shi-Chao Chen, Congruences for t-core partition functions, J. Number Theory,
133 (2013), 4036-4046.
14. Shi-Chao Chen, Congruences for the number of ktuple partitions with distinct even parts, Discrete Math., 313 (2013) 1565-1568.
15. Shi-Chao Chen and Hao Luo, Odd multiperfect numbers, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.,
88(2013), 56-63.
16. Shi-Chao Chen, Distribution of the coefficients of modular forms and the partition function, Arch. Math., 98 (2012), 307-315.
17. Shi-Chao Chen and Yingtao Che, On a restricted m-ary partition function, Chin. Quart. J. of Math., 27 (2), (2012), 165-168.
18. Shi-Chao Chen, On the number of partitions with distinct even parts, Discrete Math.,
311(2011), 940-943.
19. Shi-Chao Chen and Hao Luo, Bounds for odd k perfect numbers, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.,
84(2011), 475-480 .
20. Shi-Chao Chen, Congruences for r_s(n) , J. Number Theory, 130(2010), 2028-2032.
21. Shi-Chao Chen, Congruences for overpartition k-tuples, INTEGERS, 10(2010), A40, 477-484.
22. Shi-Chao Chen, Arithmetical properties of the number of t-core partitions, Ramanujan J., 18(2009) 103-112.
23. Shi-Chao Chen and Yong-Gao Chen, On the average of the sum-of-a-divisors function, Colloq. Math., 100 (2004), 103-109.
1. 模形式的算术性质及其在组合数论中的应用(11771121), 国家自然科学基金面上项目,
2018.01-2021.12, 48万元, 在研, 主持。
2. 模形式与分拆函数(2016GGJS-022), 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划,
2017.01-2019.12, 3万元,在研, 主持。
3. 模形式的算术性质及其应用(11101123),国家自然科学基金青年项目,
2012.01-2014.12, 22万元, 已结题, 主持。
4. 分拆函数与模形式系数同余问题(11026080), 国家自然科学基金天元项目, 2011.01-2011.12, 3万元, 已结题, 主持。
5. 关于加法组合的一些问题(2009A110001), 河南省教育厅自然科学研究资助计划项目,
2009.01-2011.12, 1万元, 已结题, 主持。
6. 模形式的算术性质及其应用(yqpy20140038), WilliamHill中文官方网站优秀青年科研人才培育基金,
2014.01-2018.12, 25万元,已结题, 主持。
1. 2018年10月14-10月17,第五届川渝数论会议,四川大学,题目: parity of the coefficients of some special modular function
2. 2018年10月19-10月22,中国数学会年会,贵阳,题目: Vanising of the coefficients of modular forms
3. 2017年9月1-3日,数论与动力系统会议,WilliamHill中文官方网站,会议组织
4. 2016年8月18日-20日,2016解析数论研讨会,西安交通大学,题目: Arithmetic properties of singular overpartitions
5. 2015年9月12日-13日,The PALmetto Number Theory Series XXIV, Emory University,
题目: A arithmetic problem on the coefficients of modular forms,